Our school is a vibrant learning community that uses its shared knowledge and strength to provide quality learning opportunities for each and every student. Dalby South has long been recognised as a school that consistently delivers exceptional academic, cultural and sporting opportunities. We are proud of our school's reputation and are continually striving to further enhance this achievement through focusing on each individual student.
Our greatest assets are our people and our community. The value of the parental role in education is well recognised at Dalby South. Parents are encouraged to become actively involved in our school and many avenues have been pursued to make this involvement suitable to parent's work and personal commitments. We have a dedicated Parents and Citizens Association that strives to foster unity within the school community. Their support and assistance with the provision of assistance and resources is critical to our success.
We are a Gateway to Industry Schools (Advanced Manufacturing) school partnering with the Queensland Manufacturing Institute. This is a very exciting partnership, providing our students with more amazing opportunities for learning and development.
In sending your child to Dalby South State School, not only will they receive a well-balanced curriculum with a focus on improved literacy and numeracy outcomes, they will be educated in a happy and caring environment.