Our physical education program encourages physical fitness. Basic skills in many of the major sports are taught as part of the program. Our specialist PE teacher conducts weekly lessons with each class.
Swimming is part of the program for Years 4 - 6 in Terms 1 and for Prep - Year 3 in Term 4. For these lessons, students are bussed to the pool with information being sent home and available on the school Audiri smartphone app before the program begins.
Students are expected to participate in the physical education activities unless there is a medical reason for their exclusion, and parents have advised the school. Annual inter-house competitions are conducted in athletics, swimming and cross country with specific training programs conducted for both cross country and athletics.
Permanent sporting facilities provided at the school include a large oval with the capacity to include a number of different games at any one time, synthetic cricket pitches, practice wickets, field event facilities for shotput, discus and new long jump pits with tartan run ups. We also have an undercover netball court and a well equipped multi-purpose hall with floor space marked out for a number of games including basketball, volleyball, netball and badminton.