Dalby South State School was opened on 29 March 1965. Building commenced in 1964 and was completed on 5 March 1965. The land on which it was built had previously been used as a landing ground for aeroplanes, but was found unsuitable for more modern aircraft. A decision was made to move the landing ground to the site of the present aerodrome and the reserve was then broken into lots and sold for development, with an area being set aside for a school in 1959.
Since opening, the school has continued to grow in size, increasingly supporting the Dalby community. Building additions began in 1972 with the opening of a second wing. A separate library was opened in 1976, the preschool in 1985, and a special education unit encompassing a primary reception group and a special preschool class in 1986. From 1986 to 1992, the special education building was also occupied by the successive district services of district guidance office, special services centre and school support centre. The unit is now known as the Special Education Program and is the base for students with low incidence disabilities in the area.
From 2006 onwards a number of extra dual classroom blocks have been added to cater for the introduction of prep and our school’s expanding student population needs. There has also been the building of a separate administration block (in 2006) and class upgrades in both A and B block. Under the Building Education Revolution program in 2010-2011, our library/resource centre was doubled in size and upgraded, and our multi-purpose hall was build. The building of the hall has meant that there is always, regardless of the weather, a great space of physical education and performance based activities, as well as providing room space for instrumental music and Kids Club (before and after school care).
Over the years the Parents and Citizens association has been instrumental in helping provide and upgrade facilities, including the provision of the music/activities room, the undercover shade area structure, cold water bubblers, air-conditioning, sound-field systems and a modern tuckshop. We now have two full class computer lab as well as a numerous pods of computers in all classrooms and the library. Interactive televisions have been installed in classrooms throughout the school to enhance student learning.
The school badge was designed in 1965, by a then year 6 student, Peter Hauck. The design consists of a gothic shield in the green and white with the centre background depicting a sheep’s head and a sheaf of wheat (two of the main industries of Dalby in the 1960s). Across the centre in gold lettering is our motto: “Endeavour”; one that the whole school community embraces.
Enhanced computer technology has meant that we upgraded
our school badge to a more modern format in 2011. In 2014, our school logo was redesigned to be more reflective of a modern age that incorporates our rural community as represented by the two silos, our emphasis on learning as represented by the cap and mortar board and the every changing technologies that our students will experience in their lifetimes as represented by the book moving into the digital world. This logo was designed by Celina Jorgensen, a then parent of the school.
1995 saw the adoption of the magpie as the school emblem (suggested by one of our teachers, Mr Bill Macmaw) in memory of Jim Witt (our
groundsman from 1973-1989). Mr Witt fed the magpies on a regular basis and it is said that as a result of his kindness, the magpies did not attack anyone within the school boundaries at that time.
In 2002, we changed our sports house names, war cries and banners. A competition was run by the P&C with the final result being sports houses named after Australian flora with each house also having its own animal mascot. Some extremely talented parents and staff made a patchwork work flag for each of the sports houses. These flags are displayed in the stairwell near the breezeway in B block. Photos of them can be viewed on the war cries page (sports section).
At Dalby South State School we are proud of our history and look forward to a continuing great future.