Dalby South State School is a uniform school. The uniform adopted by the P&C Association has been designed to provide flexibility and comfort for our children in all their school activities. The uniform also provides a readily identified stylish outfit that our students are proud to wear. A synopsis of uniform requirements is provided below. The full Dalby South student dress code (Uniform Policy, PDF 914KB.) is available for download and has been endorsed by the Dalby South P&C.
All new uniform options are available from Creative Embroidery, which is located at 27A Roache Street, Dalby Qld 4405.
School uniform requirements

Shirt -Bottle green polo shirt with embroidered collar and school name embroidered on the left chest.
Skorts/Shorts/Skirt - Plain black. No brand markings visible is preferred. May have school name/logo embroidered on the left leg/side.
Footwear -Leather shoes, or fully-closed-in sports shoes, with plain white socks.
Hat - Black
broad brimmed micro-fibre adjustable hat available from Creative Embroidery (8-10cm wide brim) Bucket hats and
caps are not appropriate.
Sports uniform- Polo shirt in house colour with a black collar and the school name embroidered on the left chest. skirt, skorts or shorts.
Year 6 shirt - Year 6 students will be able to purchase a special shirt that only that year level can wear. A note about the ordering of this shirt is sent home in Term 3 of Year 5.
Winter uniform
Tracksuit top/coat -Bottle green with white piping and a black insert, or plain bottle green.
Tracksuit pants -Plain black tracksuit pants, school band pants are acceptable (no brand markings).
Optional skivvy - Bottle green, black or white.
Choir and Instrumental Music
The Choir and Instrumental Music students require a music shirt which is white in colour with two green strips on the collar and an embroidered emblem and school name on the left chest. They also require long black band pants, black socks and black shoes as part of their Choir and Band uniform. Pants and polo shirt are available from Creative Embroidery. It is recommended that these are purchased early in the school year to ensure supply.
Dalby South is a school we wish to maintain a high standard in the wearing of our school uniform. The wearing of the school uniform is expected and supported by all members of the school community. Students who are not in full school uniform, will need to present a note from home to administration so as not to be in breach of the uniform code. Please refer to the Uniform Policy (PDF, 914KB) for all uniform requirements.
All new uniform options are available from
Creative Embroidery, which is located at 27A Roache Street, Dalby Qld 4405. You can call them on (07) 4662 1650.
Studs or sleepers are the only acceptable earrings to be worn at school. Neck chains, bangles, bracelets and other jewellery are not acceptable for wearing at school. Please note: the wearing of jewellery may be a safety issue if a jewellery item is caught when climbing etc.
Broad brimmed hats must be worn when outside for breaks and during physical education lessons and sport.
As part of our Workplace Health and Safety code, closed-in shoes need to be worn at all times in the playground. Other footwear options are not appropriate.
P&C Second-hand Uniform Shop
Our P&C operates a second-hand uniform shop on Wednesday mornings under B block from 8:15 to 8:55am. There is generally a full range of uniform options available and pricing is very affordable. From time to time this stall will operate at other times. These times will be advertised through our communication avenues.