Thanks for visiting the website of "Sensational South"!
I am very proud to be the Principal of this fine school, that has served the community of Dalby for many years.
Our School has long been recognised as a school that consistently delivers exceptional academic, cultural and sporting opportunities. At Dalby South State School we are proud of this reputation and are continually striving to further enhance this achievement through focusing on each individual student. We give students opportunities to build on their personal strengths so they can build a positive self image that encourages them to excel and have the confidence to master new skills. Dalby South State School is a vibrant learning community in which everyone is a valued contributor.
Our staff set high standards, to which all students are supported to strive for. We encourage strong links between parents and teachers. With parents, teachers and students working together our children can achieve great things!
Our school is always focussed on continuous improvement and staff work tirelessly to develop quality learning opportunities that all students benefit from. During 2024 our school will continue to implement the Australian Curriculum in with particular focus on English, Mathematics and Science. The development of coding and 3D design skills is an aspect of learning that we are adding weight to as we further enhance the Queensland wide push into the development of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) skills and opportunities for our students. Dalby South is now in its fifth year of involved in the Makers Empire 3D design pilot in Queensland schools as part of our ongoing commitment to STEM.
I enjoy coming to work at Dalby South State School. As a parent I, like all other parents, want the very best for my children. I sincerely believe that Dalby South offers the range of quality curriculum teaching and learning opportunities that our children need. I look forward to seeing you at our school.
David L Kucks